Monday, June 27, 2011

The Weekend In Sports

There was a crime in Pasadena over the weekend.  Mexico raped America in football (Soccer).  Landon Donovan refused to press charges.  My unemployment agent put me on hold this morning because he had Frank McCourt on the other line.  He forgot to sign his claim form.  Serena gets ousted at Wimbeldon because Venus wouldn't let her borrow her outfit.  Terrell Owens has surgery to repair his ACL he tore while trying to hang a picture of himself above his bed.  Kentucky gives John Calipari a contract extension.  He gets an extra million bucks if the NCAA vacates 40 more victories.  The owners in the NFL still haven’t made a deal with players.  Where is Vince McMahon’s XFL when you need it?  Some guy drove a car really fast and won a race somewhere in the United States.  If you’ve ever seen a corpse sit up in a morgue then you know what Pat Barry felt like when Cheick Kongo got up after being rocked to the canvas, twice.  Kongo went on to pummel Barry and win a startling UFC knockout.

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