Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Team U.S.A

U.S.A (women) soccer team starts their quest for a World Cup against North Korea.  The height disparity will make set pieces look like a mothers and daughters camp photo.  Moving forward.  Rafael Nadal’s foot (MRI) is not broken, but test conclude his wedgies after each point are getting worse.  Maria Sharapova is the only champion left in the women’s draw and the prettiest.  In boxing, Floyd Mayweather Jr. is being sued for sicking his bodyguards on a fan that asked the champ about a potential bout with Manny Pacquiao.  Mayweather’s bodyguards are undefeated.  College basketball – Lorenzo Charles, famous for the NC State tip in the National Championship in 83, dies in a bus crash.  The NBA lockout looms and the NFL lockout continues.

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